Teen Fitness - Page 3 - Kalina’s Fitness | Teen Fitness and Weight Loss (ages 8-18)

Tag Archives: Teen Fitness

  1. Raising a Lean Teen in Our World

    Today over 68 percent of adults are overweight and 39.8 percent are obese. According to experts, if current trends continue about 50 percent of adults will be obese by 2030. Obesity has been linked to many serious health conditions including heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

    Currently obesity is the number ONE cause of death in the US as more adults develop heart disease early in life. The GOOD NEWS is that all this is preventable! Many studies show that adolescence is the most important time in a person’s life to start developing healthy habits. However, training kids and teens to build healthy eating and exercise habits is not always easy and takes lots of patience and time.

    Trying to raise a Lean Teen in an oversized world might seem like an uphill battle. However, if your child needs to lose weight, you have more of an influence than you think. The trick is to not force a healthy lifestyle but to encourage your teen and everyone in your family to make healthy changes together.

    If you try to single out your child, he or she may feel criticized and quickly lose motivation. This is why it is important that you don’t try to force your teen to be fit but instead get their commitment. Long-term weight loss is difficult and without a commitment to building a healthy lifestyle, it won’t happen.

    Keep in mind that making lifestyle changes that affect the whole family can be daunting and your teen may push back at first. So first have a heart to heart talk and make sure that your teen is ready to make changes and it is done for the right reasons. Then use these 6 tips to help keep things moving forward.

    1) Focus on a Balanced Nutrition

    The best way to change how your teen eats is to keep it simple. Start with these five basic steps:

    Lose the juices and sodas. When it comes to building healthy habits, drinking 8 glasses of water is a must. Teens cannot replace water with juices, sports drinks, or sodas! Water helps us stay hydrated while sodas contain artificial sweeteners that are simply empty calories and devoid of nutrients.

    Make vegetable and fruits easy snack choices. To ensure your teen gets plenty of fruits and veggies, we recommend you keep pre-washed produce available to simply grab and eat. Keep a bag of baby carrots or celery and plenty of berries, grapes, and apples for your kids to snack on during the day.

    Encourage a nutritious breakfast every day. Most experts agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped. To get your teens ready each morning, consider making their bedtimes a little earlier each night so they have enough time to eat breakfast together as a family.

    Try not to skip any meals. Although skipping meals seems like a good way to lose weight, it slows down the metabolism and causes you to eat more throughout the day. Studies show that teens who skip meals are more likely to be overweight than those who make eating a balanced meal a priority.

    Keep junk food out of your home. There are certain foods like ice cream, cookies, candy, cheese, and bags of chips that are just too tempting and it is best to keep them out of your house. When building healthy eating habits it is important to not rely on willpower but instead set up your home for success.

    Sitting down at the table as a family is an important part of establishing healthy eating habits and provides quality time for the whole household. Studies show that families that eat together tend to eat more fruits and vegetables and consume less fast food, soft drinks, and foods high in added sugar.

    Studies show that consuming vegetables can help teens reach and maintain a healthy body weight. They are also rich in nutrients and low in calories! Besides being packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber, vegetables contain antioxidants which help to fight off different kind of diseases.

    2) Identify Bad Habits to Replace

    Healthy habits help children to grow up to be happy and successful adults. They also help prevent future health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer. Unfortunately, there are many factors that are keeping teens today from building a healthy lifestyle.

    The CDC reports that the percentage of adolescents aged 12–18 years who are obese is now 20.6%. Technology, busy schedules, fast food, and lack of exercise are all factors that contribute to our obesity epidemic. The fact is that teens today are learning many bad habits that are very difficult to change.

    Too Much Technology - These days, kids learn to use technology at such a young age that they spend their whole lives texting, playing video games, and staring at screens. The problem is that their bodies were created for movement and not this kind of sedentary activity which can lead to obesity.

    A Busy Lifestyle - Even though it is better for teens to be busy than lazy, packing their schedule with too many activities leaves little time left for play and relaxation. It is important for kids to have fun and do their own exercise through play while still having enough time for relaxation to avoid burnout.

    Fast Foods - According to the CDC, fast-food consumption has increased fivefold among children since 1970. The fact is a diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and few nutrients can cause teens to gain weight quickly. And poor health stemming from childhood obesity can continue into adulthood.

    A Sedentary Lifestyle - The CDC recommends that children get at least one hour of exercise daily to remain healthy. Unfortunately, most teens today are sedentary and the more inactive a child is, the greater the risk of many major health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

    Help your teen make a list that identifies bad habits that they need to overcome to achieve their goals. Include in their plan ways to remove as many triggers as possible from the home. If your child eats cookies at home, then throw them away. If they spend too much time watching TV, then set limits to screen time. Make it easy for your teen to break bad habits by avoiding the things that cause them.

    3) Change of Environment is Key

    According to studies it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic. In other words to eliminate or create a new habit it will take the average person about 66 days. It is very difficult to develop a new habit since it takes an enormous amount of willpower to do something for 66 days without succumbing to temptation. As a result, most of our daily lives are made up of the same habits.

    Helping your teen to lose weight is a difficult but achievable goal, if you set your family up for success. However, trying to commit to a drastic change and relying on willpower alone will not work. The trick to helping your teen build healthy habits and achieve their goals is to change their environment. You simply can not make significant, lasting change without altering the environment that is around you.

    It is important that you keep your kitchen organized and only make healthy choices visibly available. You should always have plenty of fruits and vegetables around that are ready to eat in case your teen gets hungry. By keeping your kitchen tidy and putting away tempting snacks, your family will be less likely to grab something that is processed, full of empty calories, or quick. Which they will regret later!

    4) Deal with Stress and Boredom

    Most of the time, bad habits are simply a way for teens to deal with the stress and boredom in their life. Everything from snacking on unhealthy foods to watching too much television to wasting time on the internet can be a simple response to stress and boredom. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Because bad habits provide some type of benefit, they are very difficult to simply eliminate. Instead, you need to replace a bad habit with a new habit that provides a similar benefit. You can help your teen build healthy habits to replace bad ones by finding new ways to deal with stress and boredom.

    It is important to make it easy for your teen by developing a plan ahead of time when they face stress or boredom. For example, if your teen enjoys to eat a snack or something sweet while watching TV offer a bowl of fruit or a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. It does take perseverance to break bad habits.

    5) Promote Daily Physical Exercise

    To help your teen become a happy and healthy adult it is important to get active as a family. A teen can not change their body composition through nutrition alone without exercising on a regular basis. It is the combination of both nutrition and exercise that provides a complete healthy package.

    Unfortunately, between school, work, and extracurricular demands, families today are very busy and home is the place for decompressing in front of a screen… many times in separate rooms. Make physical activity part of your family’s routine. Take a walk, visit the community pool, or go biking.

    Just keep in mind that developing a weekly workout routine and playing sports are two very different things. Most kids that play sports eventually stop playing as adults. This is why it is important for kids to learn to workout at a young age especially since it is hard to develop an exercise habit as an adult.

    6) Suggest Enough Sleep and Rest

    Resting and sleeping are critical to life. It ensures the optimal functioning of our bodies including our physical endurance, mood, memory, digestion, and even the condition of our skin. However, compared to diet and exercise, our culture undervalues the benefits of sleep and many of us are sleep deprived.

    Most teens today are trading their sleep time for screen time which can have negative long-term consequences. Kids that do not get enough sleep often gain weight since they become hungrier and drawn to high-calorie foods. They are also at a higher risk of diabetes and have a slower metabolism.

    This is why it is critical that teens have no more than 2 hours of screen time per day. Screen time includes the TV, computer, tablet, and video games. You should also set time limits on smart phones as a part of screen time. Promote physical activity instead and make sure your teen gets plenty of rest.

    Schedule Your Free Class Today

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give teens (ages 8-18) the tools they need to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime. By combining nutritional counseling, group support, and exercise classes, our Lean Teen Program empowers kids and teens to achieve their fitness goals. We are driven by a strong belief that every child deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential.

    It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation to better understand your child’s eating habits. Your health coach will prepare a nutrition plan that gives your family the flexibility needed to make permanent lifestyle changes. Register today for a Free Day Pass so we can help your child to build healthy habits and get fit. We look forward to serving you with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  2. Are Skinny Kids Safe from Obesity?

    If your child is thin or at a healthy weight sometimes looks can be deceiving. Kids that don’t move enough and don’t eat well are not actually fit and healthy. Kids and teens usually have fast metabolism and they can still stay thin and have very unhealthy habits. This is why the goal for all parents should be to help their kids (even if they are thin) adopt healthy habits now to avoid future health problems.

    The fact is that it is very difficult to be fit and healthy in our country. Today over 68 percent of adults are overweight and 39.8 percent are considered obese. According to a recent study, if current trends continue about 50 percent of adults will be obese by 2030. Obesity has been linked to many serious medical health conditions including heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

    Currently obesity is the number ONE cause of death in the US as more adults develop heart disease early in life. The GOOD NEWS is that all this is preventable! My wife and I truly believe that adolescence is the most important time in a person’s life to start developing healthy habits. However, training kids and teens to build healthy eating and exercise habits is not always easy and takes patience and time.

    Identify Bad Habits to Replace

    There are millions of teens who are at a healthy weight but are also at risk of being obese as adults due to their poor health habits. Technology, busy schedules, fast food, and lack of exercise are all factors contributing to obesity and teens today are learning many bad habits that are very difficult to change.

    Too Much Technology – These days, kids learn to use technology at such a young age that they spend their whole lives texting, playing video games, and staring at screens. The problem is that their bodies were created for movement and not this kind of sedentary activity which can lead to obesity.

    A Busy Lifestyle – Even though it is better for teens to be busy than lazy, packing their schedule with too many activities leaves little time left for play and relaxation. It is important for kids to have fun and do their own exercise through play while still having enough time for relaxation to avoid burnout.

    Fast Foods – According to the CDC, fast-food consumption has increased fivefold among children since 1970. The fact is a diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and few nutrients can cause teens to gain weight quickly. And poor health stemming from childhood obesity can continue into adulthood.

    A Sedentary Lifestyle – The CDC recommends that children get at least one hour of exercise daily to remain healthy. Unfortunately, most teens today are sedentary and the more inactive a child is, the greater the risk of many major health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

    Focus on Healthy Eating Habits

    Habits are actions and behaviors that we perform subconsciously and they are very difficult to break. Studies show that the habits that we develop early and are formed in childhood related to eating and exercise carry over into adulthood. And once poor health habits emerge they tend to be long lasting.

    For example, research has indicated that 97% of people who lose weight regain it again within 5 years. Yes, our health habits are really that hard to change! That is why if you want to help your child develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start at a very early age.

    In a time when the most common vegetable eaten by teens is a french fry, experts say that the way our children are eating is laying the groundwork for a lifetime of heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health problems. To build healthy eating habits, it is important that all kids learn how to use MyPlate.

    MyPlate is an easy to follow food guide that was created by the USDA to help parents feed their kids nutritious meals. With its new icon, it will teach your whole family how to eat better and help control portions. What your child eats daily now will have an impact on their health for many years to come.

    You can start by helping your teen identify bad habits that they need to overcome. Include in the list ways to remove as many triggers as possible from your home. Example: If your child spends watches too much TV then set limits to screen time. If your child is addicted to cookies then get rid of them.

    Make it easy for your kids to break bad habits and create new ones by adopting healthy habits as a family. Research shows that families that eat together tend to eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less fried foods and sugary drinks, and their kids tend to pay more attention to their nutrition and fitness.

    Schedule Your Free Class Today

    At Kalina’s Fitness, we combine nutrition, group support, and exercise classes to empower kids with the tools they need to achieve their fitness goals. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  3. Exercise Classes for Kids and Teens

    If you think it takes hours of grueling gym time to see real change, then think again. In just thirty minutes you can get a great workout! Our Lean Teen exercise classes consist of a 30 minute total body workout that includes a 2 minute warm-up, 25 minutes of circuit training, and a 3 minute cool down. All our exercise classes use hydraulic equipment designed to be safe for teens and to provide the right amount of resistance. It helps our kids to build lean muscle and to burn calories faster!

    Our focus with circuit training is to help stimulate the muscles while also keeping the heart rate elevated. Our rest periods never exceed 60 seconds. Having short rest periods helps to keep the heart rate elevated and the body at fat burning levels. We also require our teens to use a heart rate monitor to ensure they are exercising at the right intensity level without going overboard and risking injury (normally 65-85 percent of their maximum heart rate).

    I can’t stress enough how important it is for teens to get into the exercise habit as early as possible and do it in a way they enjoy and will want to continue throughout life. Studies show that circuit training is the best way for teens to get the most from their workouts. By combining short bursts of (high intensity) cardio with (low intensity) rest periods, our Lean Teens are able to burn more calories than exercising at the same pace in just half the time.

    All our Lean Teen classes are one hour long and also include 30 minutes of group support. While our exercise classes workout the body, our group meetings workout the mind. It is all about helping our teens develop the right mindset and change the way they think about food and exercise. We design our group meetings to help our teens stay motivated and on track to reaching their goals while they make new friends from teens just like them.

    As the Program Director, my wife Kalina has over 20 years of experience as a psychotherapist and counselor working with teens. With her guidance, our teens discuss topics such as positive thinking, body image, self-esteem, anti-bullying strategies, dealing with stress, goal setting, problem solving, nutrition, and much more. Our goal is to empower our teens with the tools they need to be successful and help them build strength, confidence, and self-esteem.

    Teen Testimonials - Quick 3 Min Trailer

    Brigida Mack from WBTV News came to interview our Lean Teens and it was truly amazing to see our kids answer her questions about fitness and nutrition. Below you can watch the complete 40 minute news video and their testimonials. If you have limited time, please watch this quick 3 minute trailer.

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 1

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 2

    Try Us Today - Get Your Free Day Pass

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give teens the tools they need to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that every teen deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  4. How to Help Kids Make Progress

    Fear is a natural and essential part of growth. Every time kids consciously choose to step outside of their comfort zone, the next uncomfortable thing becomes a little bit easier. Teach your kids to do the things that they are afraid to do. Often what they fear has the greatest potential to expand their life.

    Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” Parents need to know how to guide their children, particularly teens, towards a healthy pursuit of excellence, and steer them away from their comfort zone, which never produces lasting happiness.

    How Your Environment Impacts You

    Changing your habits and losing weight is a difficult but achievable goal, if you set yourself up for success. However, trying to commit to a drastic change and relying on your willpower alone will not work. The trick to building new healthy habits is to change the environment that is around you.

    Your environment which includes your home, family, friends, location, school, and lifestyle impacts you far more than you realize for better or worse. You simply can not make significant, lasting change without altering your environment. Changing it is the best way to set your kids up for success!

    Here are 6 ways to help your kids change their environment and achieve their fitness goals:

    #1: Keep some foods out of your home.

    There are certain foods like ice cream, cookies, bags of chips, candy, and cheese that are just too tempting and it is best to keep them out of your house. If family members bring this stuff into the house try to get them on board with you to keep these tempting foods out. If they must have these foods in the house, get them to keep it out of sight or in a locked cabinet. It can really be that simple!

    #2: Keep only healthy foods in plain view.

    It is important that you keep your kitchen organized and only make healthy choices visibly available. You should always have plenty of fruits and vegetables around that are ready to eat in case you get hungry. By keeping your kitchen tidy and putting away tempting snacks, your kids will less likely grab something that is processed, full of empty calories, or quick. Which they will definitely regret later!

    #3: Know your weaknesses and triggers.

    What foods will make it difficult for your kids to stop eating once they start? For me, I always keep cookies, ice cream, and chips out of my house because I can’t eat just a few. Likewise, make a list of all the foods that your kids can’t stop eating once they start. It is critical that they know what these foods are and they try their best to stay away from them as much as possible and find a healthy substitute.

    #4: Reduce the amount of food choices.

    Sometimes having too much food in the house will get your kids to overeat. Try to keep food choices as simple as possible and avoid a stuffed fridge or cupboards that overflow with different foods. Also, to avoid eating more than a serving, limit the meals your family prepares to one serving per person. Once you have your environment under control you will see how easy it is for your kids to eat healthy.

    #5: Change the people you hangout with.

    For better or worse, we become more like our friends and the people we hang around. Since your friends have a big impact on your habits, why not pick people who will have a positive influence? The best way to build a healthy lifestyle and improve yourself is to make friends with positive-minded people you admire and can learn from. Likewise, have the mindset that they can also learn from you.

    #6: Read books on nutrition and fitness.

    Reading allows you to shape your identity and increase your knowledge base. Surround yourself with books that will help you to make positive changes in your life. Learning about other people’s weight loss stories and struggles will help you to avoid those challenges yourself. There is also a lot you can learn from mentors by reading books and growing from their knowledge about food and nutrition.

    Maintaining Balance and Consistency

    Being fit is all about learning balance and consistency while having the right guidance and support to be successful. Studies show that consistency is key and shedding pounds slowly each week is more beneficial for long-term weight loss than seeing your weight drastically drop, only to rise again.

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give kids (ages 8-18) the tools to transform their lives and build healthy habits that last a lifetime. By combining nutritional counseling, group support, and exercise classes, we provide a complete solution that empowers kids and teens to achieve their fitness goals.

    We are driven by a strong belief that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation. Register online today for your FREE Day Pass. We pledge to do everything we can to help you and your family get fit. Thank you for being here!

    get my free day pass

  5. Our Mission is to Transform Lives

    During the past 6 years we have helped hundreds of kids and teens change their habits and transform their lives. It is always exciting to hear back from our kids long after they have left our program and hear about their progress. Our Lean Teen Carrigan (pictured above) wrote us the following email:

    “I just wanted to send y’all an update on my life since I moved to Florida. I’m working as a lifeguard right now for the First Coast YMCA and I’m quite busy with all of my hours, but more importantly I’m finally comfortable being in a swimsuit again! I started with y’all at around 163 pounds and I can proudly say I am down to 137 pounds. I can finally wear cute dresses and things I wore my freshman year of high school again, but more importantly is that I’m confident in my own skin again! I just wanted to thank you all for being a big part of my weight loss journey and lifestyle change!”

    Parent Testimonials and Reviews

    Our Fit Kid and Lean Teen programs are giving kids and teens the tools they need to transform their lives! But don’t take our word for it… here is what parents are saying about us (see Facebook Page):

    Lakisha Rucker Pride review - “I am so thankful and impressed by The Lean Teen Program. It’s a wonderful program for kids and families. Not only has my daughter lost weight, inches and body fat in one month, but most importantly her self esteem and confidence have improved. Jorge, Kalina, and the trainers are amazing, professional and so kind. Thank you for caring about our children. I definitely recommend the program!”

    Jenny Ledyard Bivona review - “We have been going 3 weeks now, drive over 30 minutes to get to class and are more than excited about this program. My daughter is getting so much out of it and the staff is amazing. Well worth the drive!!!”

    Shirma Stover-George review - “Thanks to the awesome people at Lean Teen for their commitment to helping young people learn the value of a healthy lifestyle! I have seen a HUGE difference in my Madison since starting the program in March. Thank you!”

    Joya Wilmot review - “We tried several other places, worked with personal trainers one on one and nothing worked consistently until we found Lean Teen. My daughter enjoys this program immensely and has been working very hard at making better choices with her nutrition. She likes the trainers and I love hearing about her workouts and group meetings. We’re so glad to have found this program.”

    Beverly Knox Davis review - “This program has been awesome for my daughter. Her self-esteem has improved, she is losing weight and is much more motivated than I have ever seen. I am grateful for this program.”

    Dolores Jarrin review - “Lean Teen is a wonderful program and facility dedicated to helping children to learn healthy habits. The owners are genuinely caring people who have great dedication to truly helping children. We’re so excited to have our son start his journey here!”

    Nancy Torzewzki review - “The Lean Teen program is awesome! It helps our teens (and parents) learn lifelong healthy eating habits, group support and classes, plus a great workout! The owners Jorge and Kalina are most committed and helpful. We are grateful to have found them.”

    Stephanie Gainer review - “Thank you Jorge and Kalina for dedicating yourselves to our children! My daughter has learned so much in this program and has made life long changes! It has helped our whole family be more dedicated to achieving a healthier lifestyle! ♡♡♡”

    Mimi Griffin review - “My son really is enjoying this program. He loves the encouragement and he feels so comfortable. And meeting new friends he loves it. I want to thank the staff at Lean Teen program so much.”

    Pam Wenzinger review - “I’m so happy to have found a place that my child can feel comfortable in learning about nutrition and exercise. Very positive environment with people committed in making a difference in the lives of children!”

    Tammy Goins Ames review - “My niece has been in the program for a few months now, and she has not only lost 9 pounds, but she has gained confidence and good knowledge on what to eat and how to eat healthy, she loves going to Lean Teen and she has a support system that helps keep her eye on the prize! I would recommend the program to anyone looking for a complete package for their child.”

    Sharon McFarland review - “I’m so impressed with The Lean Teen program. The availability of nutritional counseling, exercise, group sessions, and monitoring of weight & body measurements is great. There is accountability and follow up with each client. In addition to being Christians, Jorge & Kalina are very professional. My daughter’s motivated because she’s surrounded by peers who are able to identify with her struggle. Thanks Jorge & Kalina!!”

    Lesley Lolly Munoz review - “My daughter has been attending Lean Teen for 5 wks now and I love it. She has lost weight, inches, body fat and her BMI has been reduced. All in 5wks!!! I see confidence in her that I didn’t see before and she made some really nice friends there which is also a plus. Kalina and Jorge or really kind and encouraging. They treat us like family. We love it! Thank you Lean Teen Trainers for working so hard with my little girl. Look forward to whats to come.”

    Teen Testimonials and News Video

    Our program was designed especially for teens and was developed by us over a decade ago. In 2003, we developed the first teen fitness and weight loss program in our nation and rebuilt it again in 2014. Over the past 16 years our programs have helped over 1,000 kids and teens transform their lives.

    Brigida Mack from WBTV News came to interview our Lean Teens and it was truly amazing to see our kids answer her questions about fitness and nutrition. Below you can watch the complete 40 minute news video and their testimonials. If you have limited time, please watch this quick 3 minute trailer.

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 1

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 2

    Try Us Today - Get Your Free Day Pass

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give teens the tools they need to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that every teen deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

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