Youth Programs - Kalina’s Fitness | Teen Fitness and Weight Loss (ages 8-18)

Tag Archives: Youth Programs

  1. Parent and Teen Exercise Classes

    You won’t be bored when you do our circuit training classes. This workout gets your heart rate up and strengthens your muscles at the same time. So if you’re looking for a full-body workout in 30 minutes or less, studies show that circuit training is the best way for kids and parents to workout together.

    All our parents are invited to come Saturdays for a free exercise class. This is the perfect way to bond with your teen while getting a great workout. Our exercise classes use hydraulic equipment that is designed to be safe for kids and teens while using the right amount of resistance for any age group.

    Our circuit training classes also help our kids to build lean muscle and burn calories faster. Our classes stimulate the muscles while keeping the heart rate elevated and rest periods never exceed 60 seconds. Having short rest periods helps to keep the heart rate elevated and the body at fat burning levels.

    I can’t stress enough how important it is for kids and teens to learn healthy habits as early as possible and do it in a way that they enjoy and will want to continue throughout life. This is why it is essential that parents are healthy role models for their kids since they have the most influence in their lives.

    The good news is that we created a program that will help your family to get fit. While most programs only focus on exercise, nutrition, or support, our program includes all three. Our classes are designed for kids to transform the way they think about food and exercise in a fun and positive environment.

    1. Personalized Nutrition Plan

    It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation to better understand your child’s eating habits. Your health coach will prepare a nutrition plan that gives your family the flexibility needed to make permanent lifestyle changes. MyPlate is an effective way for your child to learn how to control their portions with an easy to understand illustration that will teach them how to build a healthy plate.

    2. Complete Group Support

    All our group support classes are designed to help kids stay motivated and get the encouragement they need. With the assistance of an expert counselor, our group support classes discuss positive thinking, body image, self-esteem, anti-bullying strategies, dealing with stress, goal setting, problem solving, nutrition, and much more. It is all about empowering our kids with the tools to be successful.

    3. Unlimited Exercise Classes

    Our exercise classes are designed to help kids get in shape no matter what their current level of activity is. By combining short bursts of cardio with recovery periods, your child will burn more calories than exercising at the same pace in just half the time. All our classes include 30 minutes of exercise as well as 30 minutes of group support to help our kids stay physically and mentally in shape.

    Brigida Mack from WBTV News came to interview our kids and teens and it was truly amazing to see them answer her questions about fitness and nutrition. Below you can watch the WBTV news video:

    Try Us Today - Get Your Free Day Pass

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give teens the tools they need to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that every teen deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  2. Exercise Classes for Kids and Teens

    If you think it takes hours of grueling gym time to see real change, then think again. In just thirty minutes you can get a great workout! Our Lean Teen exercise classes consist of a 30 minute total body workout that includes a 2 minute warm-up, 25 minutes of circuit training, and a 3 minute cool down. All our exercise classes use hydraulic equipment designed to be safe for teens and to provide the right amount of resistance. It helps our kids to build lean muscle and to burn calories faster!

    Our focus with circuit training is to help stimulate the muscles while also keeping the heart rate elevated. Our rest periods never exceed 60 seconds. Having short rest periods helps to keep the heart rate elevated and the body at fat burning levels. We also require our teens to use a heart rate monitor to ensure they are exercising at the right intensity level without going overboard and risking injury (normally 65-85 percent of their maximum heart rate).

    I can’t stress enough how important it is for teens to get into the exercise habit as early as possible and do it in a way they enjoy and will want to continue throughout life. Studies show that circuit training is the best way for teens to get the most from their workouts. By combining short bursts of (high intensity) cardio with (low intensity) rest periods, our Lean Teens are able to burn more calories than exercising at the same pace in just half the time.

    All our Lean Teen classes are one hour long and also include 30 minutes of group support. While our exercise classes workout the body, our group meetings workout the mind. It is all about helping our teens develop the right mindset and change the way they think about food and exercise. We design our group meetings to help our teens stay motivated and on track to reaching their goals while they make new friends from teens just like them.

    As the Program Director, my wife Kalina has over 20 years of experience as a psychotherapist and counselor working with teens. With her guidance, our teens discuss topics such as positive thinking, body image, self-esteem, anti-bullying strategies, dealing with stress, goal setting, problem solving, nutrition, and much more. Our goal is to empower our teens with the tools they need to be successful and help them build strength, confidence, and self-esteem.

    Teen Testimonials - Quick 3 Min Trailer

    Brigida Mack from WBTV News came to interview our Lean Teens and it was truly amazing to see our kids answer her questions about fitness and nutrition. Below you can watch the complete 40 minute news video and their testimonials. If you have limited time, please watch this quick 3 minute trailer.

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 1

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 2

    Try Us Today - Get Your Free Day Pass

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give teens the tools they need to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that every teen deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  3. 6 Healthy Habits to Teach Your Kids

    Teaching kids healthy habits and how to make better choices on their own is key so they grow to be healthy adults. They also help prevent future health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Unfortunately, there are many factors that are keeping kids today from building a healthy lifestyle.

    The CDC reports that the percentage of adolescents aged 12–18 years who are obese is now 20.6%. Technology, busy schedules, fast food, and lack of exercise are all factors that contribute to our obesity epidemic. The fact is that kids today are learning many bad habits that are very difficult to change.

    Too Much Technology - These days, kids learn to use technology at such a young age that they spend their whole lives texting, playing video games, and staring at screens. The problem is that their bodies were created for movement and not this kind of sedentary activity which can lead to obesity.

    Having a Busy Lifestyle - Even though it is better for kids to be busy than lazy, packing their schedule with too many activities leaves little time left for play and relaxation. It is important for kids to have fun and do their own exercise through play while still having enough time for relaxation to avoid burnout.

    Fast Foods - According to the CDC, fast-food consumption has increased fivefold among children since 1970. The fact is a diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and few nutrients can cause kids to gain weight quickly. And poor health stemming from childhood obesity can continue into adulthood.

    A Sedentary Lifestyle - The CDC recommends that children get at least one hour of exercise daily to remain healthy. Unfortunately, most kids today are sedentary and the more inactive a child is, the greater the risk of many major health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

    Teach Kids Healthy Habits Early

    Habits are actions and behaviors that we perform subconsciously and they are very difficult to break. Studies show that the habits that we develop early and are formed in childhood related to eating and exercise carry over into adulthood. And once poor health habits emerge they tend to be long lasting.

    For example, research has indicated that 97% of people who lose weight regain it again within 5 years. Yes, our health habits are really that hard to change! That is why if you want to help your child develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start at a very early age.

    For these and more reasons, it is important that children learn to make better choices on their own. Here are the top 6 habits to teach your kids while they’re young so they can grow into healthy adults:

    #1: Set Early Bedtimes

    It is very important that kids and teens get a healthy amount of sleep each night to stay focused throughout the day. They also need more sleep than adults because they are in a time of very fast physical, intellectual, and emotional growth. To help your teen stay alert and focused, most experts agree that kids should get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Sticking to a routine is important too, so don’t let weekends become a late-night free-for-all.

    #2: Eat a Nutritious Breakfast

    Most experts agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should never be skipped. It is also a great opportunity for your teen to get a healthy dose of essential nutrients such as calcium and fiber. To get your kids ready for breakfast each morning, consider making their bedtimes a little earlier each night so they have enough time to eat breakfast and whenever possible, can enjoy it together as a family.

    #3: Stock up on Fruits & Veggies

    Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in calories! A healthy snack will also help your teen stay energized and alert during the day. To ensure your teen gets plenty of fruits and vegetables, we recommend you keep pre-washed produce available to simply grab and eat. Keep a bag of baby carrots or celery and plenty of berries, grapes, and apples for your kids to snack on during the day.

    #4: Try Not to Skip Any Meals

    Although skipping meals seems like a good way to lose weight, it may actually slow down your metabolism and cause you to eat more throughout the day. Studies show that teens who skip meals are more likely to be overweight than those who make eating a balanced meal a priority. During meal times make sure to include one food from each food group – Vegetables, Fruits, Grains, and Protein. MyPlate is a great resource that will help your family stay on track!

    #5: Exercise at Least Twice a Week

    It is important that your teen exercises regularly not only to stay fit but also to perform better in school! According to experts “exercise boosts academic performance in various ways: allowing kids to pay attention better and focus on their work; boosting self-esteem and mood; and increasing blood flow to the brain helping with memory and concentration.” We highly recommend that all our kids come to our Lean Teen Classes at least twice a week.

    #6: Limit Liquid Calories

    When it comes to building lifelong healthy habits, drinking 8 glasses of water is a must. Teens cannot replace water with juices or diet sodas! Water helps us stay hydrated and increases our metabolic rate which is important for weight loss. On the other hand, juices and diet sodas contain artificial sweeteners that are toxic and directly affect our hormone levels. Sugary drinks are simply empty calories and devoid of nutrients!

    Maintaining Balance and Consistency

    Being fit is all about learning balance and consistency while having the right guidance and support to be successful. At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give kids (ages 8-18) the tools to transform their lives and build healthy habits that last a lifetime. By combining nutritional counseling, group support, and exercise classes, our Lean Teen Program empowers kids and teens to achieve their fitness goals.

    It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation to better understand your child’s eating habits. Your health coach will prepare a nutrition plan that gives your family the flexibility needed to make permanent lifestyle changes. Register your child today for a Free Day Pass so we can start helping your family use MyPlate. We look forward to serving you with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

    get my free day pass

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