Fear is a natural and essential part of growth. Every time kids consciously choose to step outside of their comfort zone, the next uncomfortable thing becomes a little bit easier. Teach your kids to do the things that they are afraid to do. Often what they fear has the greatest potential to expand their life.

Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.” Parents need to know how to guide their children, particularly teens, towards a healthy pursuit of excellence, and steer them away from their comfort zone, which never produces lasting happiness.

How Your Environment Impacts You

Changing your habits and losing weight is a difficult but achievable goal, if you set yourself up for success. However, trying to commit to a drastic change and relying on your willpower alone will not work. The trick to building new healthy habits is to change the environment that is around you.

Your environment which includes your home, family, friends, location, school, and lifestyle impacts you far more than you realize for better or worse. You simply can not make significant, lasting change without altering your environment. Changing it is the best way to set your kids up for success!

Here are 6 ways to help your kids change their environment and achieve their fitness goals:

#1: Keep some foods out of your home.

There are certain foods like ice cream, cookies, bags of chips, candy, and cheese that are just too tempting and it is best to keep them out of your house. If family members bring this stuff into the house try to get them on board with you to keep these tempting foods out. If they must have these foods in the house, get them to keep it out of sight or in a locked cabinet. It can really be that simple!

#2: Keep only healthy foods in plain view.

It is important that you keep your kitchen organized and only make healthy choices visibly available. You should always have plenty of fruits and vegetables around that are ready to eat in case you get hungry. By keeping your kitchen tidy and putting away tempting snacks, your kids will less likely grab something that is processed, full of empty calories, or quick. Which they will definitely regret later!

#3: Know your weaknesses and triggers.

What foods will make it difficult for your kids to stop eating once they start? For me, I always keep cookies, ice cream, and chips out of my house because I can’t eat just a few. Likewise, make a list of all the foods that your kids can’t stop eating once they start. It is critical that they know what these foods are and they try their best to stay away from them as much as possible and find a healthy substitute.

#4: Reduce the amount of food choices.

Sometimes having too much food in the house will get your kids to overeat. Try to keep food choices as simple as possible and avoid a stuffed fridge or cupboards that overflow with different foods. Also, to avoid eating more than a serving, limit the meals your family prepares to one serving per person. Once you have your environment under control you will see how easy it is for your kids to eat healthy.

#5: Change the people you hangout with.

For better or worse, we become more like our friends and the people we hang around. Since your friends have a big impact on your habits, why not pick people who will have a positive influence? The best way to build a healthy lifestyle and improve yourself is to make friends with positive-minded people you admire and can learn from. Likewise, have the mindset that they can also learn from you.

#6: Read books on nutrition and fitness.

Reading allows you to shape your identity and increase your knowledge base. Surround yourself with books that will help you to make positive changes in your life. Learning about other people’s weight loss stories and struggles will help you to avoid those challenges yourself. There is also a lot you can learn from mentors by reading books and growing from their knowledge about food and nutrition.

Maintaining Balance and Consistency

Being fit is all about learning balance and consistency while having the right guidance and support to be successful. Studies show that consistency is key and shedding pounds slowly each week is more beneficial for long-term weight loss than seeing your weight drastically drop, only to rise again.

At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give kids (ages 8-18) the tools to transform their lives and build healthy habits that last a lifetime. By combining nutritional counseling, group support, and exercise classes, we provide a complete solution that empowers kids and teens to achieve their fitness goals.

We are driven by a strong belief that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation. Register online today for your FREE Day Pass. We pledge to do everything we can to help you and your family get fit. Thank you for being here!

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