Lean Teen Program - Page 2 - Kalina’s Fitness | Teen Fitness and Weight Loss (ages 8-18)

Tag Archives: Lean Teen Program

  1. Teen Weight Loss Support Group

    It takes hard work and motivation to lose weight! The good news is that you do not have to do it alone. At Kalina’s Fitness we are determined to be there for you every step of the way. We specialize in teen weight loss and created a group that was designed with YOU in mind to offer our free support.

    If you are a teen or a concerned parent that needs help please consider joining our group today. Our teen weight loss support group will answer any questions you have about weight loss, nutrition, fitness, and health. Most importantly you will also get all the support you need to achieve your goals.

    We are building a community of inspiring and like-minded individuals who genuinely care about you and want to help your family. Furthermore, as the group admin, I have over 16 years of experience in the fields of fitness, nutrition and weight loss and have owned two successful teen weight loss centers.

    Our Lean Teen Program has also helped over 1,000 kids and teens build healthy habits and get fit. To help you achieve your goals, here are a few articles that we’ve written on nutrition and weight loss:

    What kids and teens eat daily now will impact their health and quality of life for many years to come. MyPlate is an easy to follow food guide and a great visual tool that you and your whole family can use to build healthy eating habits: https://kalinasfitness.com/nutrition-tips-for-teens/

    After doing many nutrition plans, there are several weight loss myths that often hold teens back from achieving their goals. The following are the most common teen weight loss myths and tips that will help you to overcome them: https://kalinasfitness.com/teens-lose-weight-safely/

    Even though there are no easy solutions for teen weight loss, you can still do plenty as a parent to help your child get fit. You can support your teen achieve his or her goals by following these 7 proven strategies for long-term success: https://kalinasfitness.com/7-teen-weight-loss-strategies/

    While doing nutrition plans for our kids and teens, we often find that children today don’t get the amount of vegetables they need. To help your family eat more veggies, try these 4 delicious smoothies that are bright, colorful, and healthy too: https://kalinasfitness.com/healthy-smoothie-recipes/

    Live in Charlotte or the surrounding area? Our program combines personalized nutrition, group support, and unlimited exercise classes to give teens (ages 8-18) the tools they need to build healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Let us help your family get fit and schedule your free class today.

    You are invited to check out our blog for more great articles, stories, and tips on teen weight loss, fitness, nutrition, and health. Also, don’t forget to join our support group so we can give you the guidance you need to achieve your goals. We are always here to help you and your family get fit!

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  2. Quick Weight Loss Does Not Work

    Even though fad diets and fasting, eating very little food, may sometimes result in weight loss, this is a short-term solution that is very dangerous. After all, the reason that we have an obesity epidemic is because fasting and diets do not work in the long-term. It takes hard work to lose weight and be fit!

    The key to achieving your weight loss goals is to focus on building healthy habits and making your meals balanced and nutritious. You also want to develop a regular exercise routine that includes both strength training and cardio. Here are 6 reasons why the risks of fasting far outweigh any of its benefits:

    #1: You Will Lose Muscle Mass

    You will lose weight by dramatically cutting calories but it will also cause all kinds of health problems. When you fast, your body goes into conservation mode and breaks down a mix of both fat and muscle to get the fuel it needs. Muscle is important since it helps your metabolism to burn calories faster.

    Your muscles require more calories than fat to be maintained so the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn. As a result, losing muscle is never a good idea if you want to lose weight long-term. Instead, focus on doing strength training to increase muscle mass and achieve your fitness goals.

    #2: You Will Lose Mostly Water

    Most of the initial weight lost due to fasting is primarily “water weight” and not fat. However, your body needs water to burn calories it intakes through eating. When you fast you lose water and slow down your metabolism. This is the main reason why after fasting any lost weight usually comes back quickly.

    Instead, to lose weight focus on drinking at least 8 glasses of cold water a day. Studies have shown that drinking a glass of water before a meal increase your resting metabolism by up to 30%. This calorie-burning effect is even greater if you drink cold water since your body will use its energy to heat it up.

    #3: It Will Slow Your Metabolism

    Your metabolism converts what you eat and drink into energy. Even when you are at rest your body needs energy for all its functions including breathing, repairing cells, circulating blood, and adjusting hormone levels. The number of calories your body uses to carry out these basic functions is known as your basal metabolic rate or metabolism. When it comes to weight loss, this is your superpower!

    So to do anything that will slow down your metabolism is never a good idea. Unfortunately, when you eat less food than your body needs to function, your body goes into starvation mode. To save energy, your metabolism slows down and any energy that is not burned is stored as fat. This is why when you are done fasting and you go back to your usual diet, you regain the weight you lost, and then some.

    #4: Has Dangerous Side Effects

    There are many side effects to fasting including dizziness, headaches, fatigue, and low blood sugar. It also causes vitamin and mineral deficiencies, diarrhea, and muscle breakdown. The longer you fast the more severe the side effects are including anemia, kidney and liver damage and an irregular heartbeat.

    The reality is that short-term wins on fad diets and fasting almost always fade away. However, the long-term consequences are there to stay. Fasting not only damages the immune system but negatively affects many of the body’s organs and interferes with vital bodily function. It can even result in death.

    #5: Leads to Nutrient Deficiencies

    Your body needs vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food to stay healthy. If you fast, you may miss out on essential nutrients. This is because eating less calories will make it harder to meet your nutritional needs. Fasting is especially dangerous for kids and teens since they are growing rapidly.

    A nutritional deficiency occurs when your body does not absorb or get from food the necessary amount of a nutrients it needs. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can lead to a variety of health problems including digestion problems, skin disorders, and stunted or defective bone growth.

    #6: Can Cause an Eating Disorder

    While fasting may lead to short-term weight loss, it can also be a downward spiral to eating disorders. In fact, many studies show that fasting is one of the major precursors to developing an eating disorder. According to psychologist Louise Adams, “we know clinically that restriction leads to overeating.”

    Studies also show that teenagers who diet, skip meals, and otherwise reduce caloric intake are more likely to develop an eating disorder and to be overweight than their non-dieting peers. The most common eating disorders among adolescents are anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder.

    Focus on Building Healthy Habits

    Most people that start a fad diet or begin fasting struggle to stick with it for a prolonged period. Fad diets don’t work simply because we need to be able to continue the changes we make for the rest of our lives. There are also many dangerous side effects to fasting that far outweigh any of its benefits.

    Experts agree that to successfully lose weight long-term you have to focus on building healthy eating and exercise habits as early as possible. Being fit is all about learning balance and consistency while having the right guidance and support to be successful. At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give kids and teens (ages 8-18) the tools to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

    By combining nutrition, group support, and exercise classes, we provide a complete solution that empowers kids and teens to achieve their fitness goals. We are driven by a strong belief that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your teen become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. Thank you for visiting us!

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  3. Fitness and Weight Loss for Teens

    It takes hard work and motivation to lose weight. That is why at Kalina’s Fitness our mission is to give kids and teens all the tools they need to build healthy habits that last a lifetime. While most programs only focus on exercise, nutrition, or support, our program includes all three. Our group classes are designed for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18 to transform the way they think about food and exercise in a fun and positive environment. It is truly a program that can work for everyone!

    From the beginning, our coaches will guide your family through every phase of the weight loss process – from developing a personalized nutrition plan to building healthy habits until eventually reaching your goals. As your partner in lifestyle change, your coach is strongly committed to give your child the expert advice they need to completely change their habits and get fit. We are committed to be there for you every step of the way and have already helped over 1,000 kids and teens transform their lives.

    Teen Testimonials - Quick 3 Min Trailer

    Brigida Mack from WBTV News came to interview our Lean Teens and it was truly amazing to see our kids answer her questions about fitness and nutrition. Below you can watch the complete 40 minute news video with our teen testimonials. If you have limited time, please watch this quick trailer.

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 1

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 2

    Try Us Today - Get Your Free Day Pass

    At Kalina’s Fitness, we combine nutrition, group support, and exercise classes to empower kids with the tools they need to achieve their fitness goals. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  4. Teen Weight Loss: 6 Things to Know

    Do you know why it is almost impossible to lose weight permanently as an adult? Studies show that most of the health habits that you developed during your childhood stay with you for the rest of your life. This is because habits are actions that we perform subconsciously and are very difficult to break.

    Even though we currently have over 37,000 fitness centers, our obesity epidemic continues to worsen. In fact the obesity rates in adults have skyrocketed from 27% in 2000 to 39.6% today. By 2030, half of all U.S. adults will be obese. The sad truth is that the health habits kids have are only getting worse.

    According to the AHA, “french fries are the most common vegetable that children eat, making up 25% of their vegetable intake” and “juice makes up 40% of children’s daily fruit intake.” Also, about 50% of preschool-aged children are not getting the amount of physical activity that is recommended.

    Technology, busy schedules, fast food, and lack of exercise are all factors that are contributing to our obesity epidemic. The truth is teens are learning many bad habits that are very difficult to change.

    Too Much Technology – These days, kids learn to use technology at such a young age that they spend their whole lives texting, playing video games, and staring at screens. The problem is that their bodies were created for movement and not this kind of sedentary activity which can lead to obesity.

    A Busy Lifestyle – Even though it is better for teens to be busy than lazy, packing their schedule with too many activities leaves little time left for play and relaxation. It is important for kids to have fun and do their own exercise through play while still having enough time for relaxation to avoid burnout.

    Fast Foods – According to the CDC, fast-food consumption has increased fivefold among children since 1970. The fact is a diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and few nutrients can cause teens to gain weight quickly. And poor health stemming from childhood obesity can continue into adulthood.

    A Sedentary Lifestyle – The CDC recommends that children get at least one hour of exercise daily to remain healthy. Unfortunately, most teens today are sedentary and the more inactive a child is, the greater the risk of many major health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

    How Your Environment Impacts You

    Our habits drive our lives and there are a millions things that we do every day without thinking. From walking to the store to brushing our teeth, our habits are all part of our daily routine. What you do every day ultimately forms the person that you are. Your life is essentially the sum of all your habits.

    Changing your habits and losing weight is a difficult but achievable goal, if you set yourself up for success. However, trying to commit to a drastic change and relying on your willpower alone will not work. The trick to building new healthy habits is to change the environment that is around you.

    According to studies it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic. In other words to eliminate or create a new habit it will take the average person about 66 days. It is very difficult to develop a new habit since it takes an enormous amount of willpower to do something for 66 days without succumbing to temptation. As a result, most of our daily lives are made up of the same habits.

    Your environment which includes your home, family, friends, location, school, work place, and lifestyle impacts you far more than you realize for better or worse. You simply can not make significant, lasting change without altering your environment. Changing it is the best way to set yourself up for success!

    Here are 6 ways teens can change their environment to build healthy habits that will last a lifetime:

    #1: Keep some foods out of your home.

    There are certain foods like ice cream, cookies, bags of chips, candy, and cheese that are just too tempting and it is best to keep them out of your house. If family members bring this stuff into the house try to get them on board with you to keep these tempting foods out. If they must have these foods in the house, get them to keep it out of sight or in a locked cabinet. It can really be that simple!

    #2: Keep only healthy foods in plain view.

    It is important that you keep your kitchen organized and only make healthy choices visibly available. You should always have plenty of fruits and vegetables around that are ready to eat in case you get hungry. By keeping your kitchen tidy and putting away tempting snacks, you will be less likely to grab something that is processed, full of empty calories, or quick. Which you will definitely regret later!

    #3: Know your weaknesses and triggers.

    What foods will make it difficult for you to stop eating once you already started? For me, I always keep cookies, ice cream, and chips out of my house because I can’t eat just a few. Likewise, make a list of all the foods that you can’t stop eating once you start. It is critical that you know what these foods are and try your best to stay away from them as much as possible. Find a healthy substitute for your triggers.

    #4: Reduce the amount of food choices.

    Sometimes having too much food in the house will get you to overeat. Try to keep your food choices as simple as possible and avoid a stuffed fridge or cupboards that overflow with different foods. Also, to avoid eating more than a serving, limit the meals your family prepares to one serving per person. Once you have your environment under control, you will be amazed how easy it is for you to eat healthier.

    #5: Change the people you hangout with.

    For better or worse, we become more like our friends and the people we hang around. Since your friends have a big impact on your habits, why not pick people who will have a positive influence? The best way to build a healthy lifestyle and improve yourself is to make friends with positive-minded people you admire and can learn from. Likewise, have the mindset that they can also learn from you.

    #6: Read books on nutrition and fitness.

    Reading allows you to shape your identity and increase your knowledge base. Surround yourself with books that will help you to make positive changes in your life. Learning about other people’s weight loss stories and struggles will help you to avoid those challenges yourself. There is also a lot you can learn from mentors by reading books and growing from their knowledge about food and nutrition.

    Teaching Kids Healthy Habits is Key

    If you want to help your child develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start at a very early age. Being fit is all about learning balance and consistency while having the right guidance and support to be successful. At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give kids and teens (ages 8-18) the tools to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

    By combining nutrition, group support, and exercise classes, we provide a complete solution that empowers kids and teens to achieve their fitness goals. We are driven by a strong belief that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your teen become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. Thank you for visiting us!

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  5. 4 Teens Share Weight Loss Stories

    Brigida Mack from WBTV News came to interview our Lean Teens and it was truly amazing to see our kids answer her questions about fitness and nutrition. Below you can watch the complete 40 minute news video and their testimonials. If you have limited time, please watch this quick 3 minute trailer.

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 1

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 2

    Teach Your Kids Healthy Habits Early

    Habits are actions and behaviors that we perform subconsciously and they are very difficult to break. Studies show that the habits that we develop early and are formed in childhood related to eating and exercise carry over into adulthood. And once poor health habits emerge they tend to be long lasting.

    For example, research has indicated that 97% of people who lose weight regain it again within 5 years. Yes, our health habits are really that hard to change! That is why if you want to help your child develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start at a very early age.

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give kids and teens (ages 8-18) the tools to transform their lives and build healthy habits that last a lifetime. By combining nutritional counseling, group support, and exercise classes, we provide a complete solution that empowers them to achieve their fitness goals. We are driven by a strong belief that every child deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential.

    1. Nutritional Counseling

    It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation to better understand your child’s eating habits. Your health coach will prepare a nutrition plan that gives your family the flexibility needed to make permanent lifestyle changes. We will also train you and your family on how to use MyPlate.

    MyPlate is an effective and simple way for children to learn how to control their portions with an easy to understand illustration that will teach them how to build a healthy plate. Finally, your coach will keep track of your child and offer expert advice to help your family make better food choices.

    2. Complete Group Support

    All our group support classes are designed to help kids stay motivated and on track to reaching their fitness goals. And they will make new friends and get the encouragement they need to be successful. It is all about empowering kids with the tools to build their strength, confidence, and self-esteem.

    With the assistance of an expert counselor, our group support classes discuss positive thinking, body image, self-esteem, dealing with stress, goal setting, problem solving, nutrition, and much more. We also have separate boys and girls classes to allow open communication and avoid distractions.

    3. Unlimited Exercise Classes

    All our exercise classes are designed to help kids get in shape no matter what their current level of activity is. Our circuit training classes focus on helping to stimulate the muscles while also keeping the heart rate elevated. Studies show that this is the best way to get the most from a workout.

    Our Lean Teen classes are an hour long and include 30 minutes of exercise as well as 30 minutes of group support to help kids stay physically and mentally in shape. By combining recovery periods with short bursts of cardio, they burn more calories than exercising at the same pace in just half the time.

    Schedule Your Free Class Today

    Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens ages 8 to 18. By teaching children the value of exercise and proper nutrition, we can empower them with the strength, confidence, and self esteem they need to pursue their dreams.

    It all starts with a personal consultation to better understand your child’s eating and exercise habits. Let us help your teen become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

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