Kids Fitness - Page 2 - Kalina’s Fitness | Teen Fitness and Weight Loss (ages 8-18)

Tag Archives: Kids Fitness

  1. Teen Testimonials and News Video

    At Kalina’s Fitness, we believe that America is at a crossroads. Our teens are sacrificing their future for the immediate gratification of TV, video games, and fast food. By teaching kids the value of exercise and proper nutrition, we empower them with the tools they need to pursue their dreams.

    We combine nutritional counseling, group support, and exercise classes to make losing weight easy. Our program provides a complete solution to weight loss that gives teens ages 8 to 18 the tools to reach their goals and build healthy habits that last a lifetime. It is truly a program that works for all kids!

    Our program was designed for teens and was developed by us over a decade ago. In 2003, we built the first teen fitness and weight loss program in our nation, Lean Teen Program, and rebuilt it again in 2014. Over the past 16 years our program has helped over 1,000 kids and teens transform their lives.

    Teen Testimonials - Quick 3 Min Trailer

    Brigida Mack from WBTV News came to interview our Lean Teens and it was truly amazing to see our kids answer her questions about fitness and nutrition. Below you can watch the complete 40 minute news video and their testimonials. If you have limited time, please watch this quick 3 minute trailer.

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 1

    Teen Testimonials - News Video Part 2

    Try Us Today - Get Your Free Day Pass

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give teens the tools they need to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that every teen deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  2. Kid Fitness Center Transforms Lives

    Currently there are over 37,000 fitness and weight loss centers for adults in the US. And thanks to the boutique fitness boom, every year more gyms are being built to help adults lose weight and get fit. All the while our obesity epidemic has reached a record 40 percent, up 13 percent from just 20 years ago.

    It is estimated that by 2030 nearly half of all US residents will be obese. This is a staggering number considering the number of gyms and diets that are out there. If a person wants to be fit all they need to do is workout a few times per week and stick to a balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables.

    If it was that easy we would all be fit and healthy. However, our obesity epidemic will only get worse since our teens are exchanging an active lifestyle for a sedentary one of screen time and video games. Also, there are a lot of kids today that refuse to eat vegetables or simply are not getting enough.

    The amount of food children eat is also one of the most important parts of building a fit lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight. What kids and teens eat daily now will impact their health including risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It will also affect their quality of life for many years to come.

    Teach Kids Healthy Habits Early

    Habits are actions and behaviors that we perform subconsciously and they are very difficult to break. Studies show that the habits that we develop early and are formed in childhood related to eating and exercise carry over into adulthood. And once poor health habits emerge they tend to be long lasting.

    For example, research has indicated that 97% of people who lose weight regain it again within 5 years. Yes, our health habits are really that hard to change! That is why if you want to help your child develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start at a very early age.

    Over the last 6 years we have helped hundreds of kids and teens build healthy eating and exercise habits. Katherine (pictured below) was one of our first kids to join our program back in 2015 when she was only 11 years old. Recently, she came to visit us to thank us. Today she is a strong and healthy teen.

    At Kalina’s Fitness, we are a lot more than just a fitness center. Our mission is to give kids and teens (ages 8-18) the tools to transform their lives and build healthy habits that last a lifetime. And while most programs only focus on exercise classes, nutritional counseling, or group support, our program includes all three. We give kids all the tools they need to achieve their fitness and weight loss goals!

    1. Personalized Nutrition Plan

    It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation to better understand your child’s eating habits. Your health coach will prepare a nutrition plan that gives your family the flexibility needed to make permanent lifestyle changes. MyPlate is an effective way for your child to learn how to control their portions with an easy to understand illustration that will teach them how to build a healthy plate.

    2. Complete Group Support

    All our group support classes are designed to help kids stay motivated and get the encouragement they need. With the assistance of an expert counselor, our group support classes discuss positive thinking, body image, self-esteem, anti-bullying strategies, dealing with stress, goal setting, problem solving, nutrition, and much more. It is all about empowering our kids with the tools to be successful.

    3. Unlimited Exercise Classes

    Our exercise classes are designed to help kids get in shape no matter what their current level of activity is. By combining short bursts of cardio with recovery periods, your child will burn more calories than exercising at the same pace in just half the time. All our classes include 30 minutes of exercise as well as 30 minutes of group support to help our kids stay physically and mentally in shape.

    Schedule Your Free Class Today

    We are driven by a strong belief that every child deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential. It is all about learning balance and consistency and having the right guidance and support to succeed. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  3. Healthy Weight Loss Plan for Teens

    When it comes to helping your teen achieve their fitness and weight loss goals the focus should always be on habits. The habits that he or she develops early in life related to eating and exercise will often carry over into adulthood. And once poor health habits develop they tend to be long-lasting.

    Even though there are no easy solutions for losing weight, you can still do plenty as a parent to help your child get fit. First try to encourage your whole family to build healthy habits together. You can also help your teen achieve his or her goals by following this proven plan for long-term success.

    1) Start with a Heart to Heart Talk

    Besides the health risks associated with being overweight such as diabetes and high blood pressure, your teen often faces a social world of teasing, isolation, and bullying. Since your child is also probably concerned about their weight, have a heart to heart talk to offer your support and understanding.

    Keep in mind that long-term weight loss is difficult and without a commitment, it will not happen. Make sure that your teen is ready to make permanent changes and it is done for the right reasons. Use this time to have a candid conversation of how the whole family can build healthy habits together.

    Don’t forget to talk with your teen about creating an action plan that can help him or her set specific fitness goals. The plan should include getting rid of bad habits and replacing them with healthy ones.

    2) Identify Bad Habits to Replace

    Healthy habits help children to grow up to be happy and successful adults. They also help prevent future health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer. Unfortunately, there are many factors that are keeping teens today from building a healthy lifestyle.

    The CDC reports that the percentage of adolescents aged 12–18 years who are obese is now 20.6%. Technology, busy schedules, fast food, and lack of exercise are all factors that contribute to our obesity epidemic. The fact is that teens today are learning many bad habits that are very difficult to change.

    Too Much Technology - These days, kids learn to use technology at such a young age that they spend their whole lives texting, playing video games, and staring at screens. The problem is that their bodies were created for movement and not this kind of sedentary activity which can lead to obesity.

    A Busy Lifestyle - Even though it is better for teens to be busy than lazy, packing their schedule with too many activities leaves little time left for play and relaxation. It is important for kids to have fun and do their own exercise through play while still having enough time for relaxation to avoid burnout.

    Fast Foods - According to the CDC, fast-food consumption has increased fivefold among children since 1970. The fact is a diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and few nutrients can cause teens to gain weight quickly. And poor health stemming from childhood obesity can continue into adulthood.

    A Sedentary Lifestyle - The CDC recommends that children get at least one hour of exercise daily to remain healthy. Unfortunately, most teens today are sedentary and the more inactive a child is, the greater the risk of many major health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

    Help your teen make a list that identifies bad habits that they need to overcome to achieve their goals. Include in their plan ways to remove as many triggers as possible from the home. If your child eats cookies at home, then throw them away. If they spend too much time watching TV, then set limits to screen time. Make it easy for your teen to break bad habits by avoiding the things that cause them.

    3) Change of Environment is Key

    According to studies it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic. In other words to eliminate or create a new habit it will take the average person about 66 days. It is very difficult to develop a new habit since it takes an enormous amount of willpower to do something for 66 days without succumbing to temptation. As a result, most of our daily lives are made up of the same habits.

    Helping your teen to lose weight is a difficult but achievable goal, if you set your family up for success. However, trying to commit to a drastic change and relying on willpower alone will not work. The trick to helping your teen build healthy habits and achieve their goals is to change their environment. You simply can not make significant, lasting change without altering the environment that is around you.

    4) Deal with Stress and Boredom

    Most of the time, bad habits are simply a way for teens to deal with the stress and boredom in their life. Everything from snacking on unhealthy foods to watching too much television to wasting time on the internet can be a simple response to stress and boredom. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Because bad habits provide some type of benefit, they are very difficult to simply eliminate. Instead, you need to replace a bad habit with a new habit that provides a similar benefit. You can help your teen build healthy habits to replace bad ones by finding new ways to deal with stress and boredom.

    It is important to make it easy for your teen by developing a plan ahead of time when they face stress or boredom. For example, if your teen enjoys to eat a snack or something sweet while watching TV offer a bowl of fruit or a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. It does take perseverance to break bad habits.

    5) Focus on a Balanced Nutrition

    Research shows that 97% of people who lose weight regain it again within 5 years. Yes, our health habits are really that hard to change! That is why to help your teen develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start early by encouraging good eating habits.

    A balanced nutrition is essential at every stage of life, but this is especially true for children. Kids need healthy eating habits to fuel their growing brains, muscles, and bodies. Whether you have a toddler or a teen, here are a few of the best strategies to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits.

    Sitting down at the table as a family is an important part of establishing healthy eating habits and provides quality time for the whole household. Studies show that families that eat together tend to eat more fruits and vegetables and consume less fast food, soft drinks, and foods high in added sugar.

    Eating at home is also more economical and gives you control over both the quality and quantity of food your family eats. While preparing family meals try to serve a variety of fruits and vegetables, limit soft drinks, encourage lots of water, keep in mind proper portion sizes, and avoid junk and fried foods.

    MyPlate was designed to make balanced eating easy for families to visualize and apply to everyday life. By using it as a guide, your teen will see that half of their plate should be filled with colorful fruits and veggies, about ¼ with lean protein and the remaining part with grains, half of them being whole.

    6) Promote Daily Physical Exercise

    To help your teen become a happy and healthy adult it is important to get active as a family. A teen can not change their body composition through nutrition alone without exercising on a regular basis. It is the combination of both nutrition and exercise that provides a complete healthy package.

    Unfortunately, between school, work, and extracurricular demands, families today are very busy and home is the place for decompressing in front of a screen… many times in separate rooms. Make physical activity part of your family’s routine. Take a walk, visit the community pool, or go biking.

    Just keep in mind that developing a weekly workout routine and playing sports are two very different things. Most kids that play sports eventually stop playing as adults. This is why it is important for kids to learn to workout at a young age especially since it is hard to develop an exercise habit as an adult.

    7) Suggest Enough Sleep and Rest

    Resting and sleeping are critical to life. It ensures the optimal functioning of our bodies including our physical endurance, mood, memory, digestion, and even the condition of our skin. However, compared to diet and exercise, our culture undervalues the benefits of sleep and many of us are sleep deprived.

    Most teens today are trading their sleep time for screen time which can have negative long-term consequences. Kids that do not get enough sleep often gain weight since they become hungrier and drawn to high-calorie foods. They are also at a higher risk of diabetes and have a slower metabolism.

    This is why it is critical that teens have no more than 2 hours of screen time per day. Screen time includes the TV, computer, tablet, and video games. You should also set time limits on smart phones as a part of screen time. Promote physical activity instead and make sure your teen gets plenty of rest.

    8) Encourage Fruits and Veggies

    Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and low in calories! Besides being packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fiber, veggies also contain powerful compounds called antioxidants which are important disease-fighting compounds that protect the cells in the body from unstable molecules.

    Studies show that consuming fruits and veggies can help teens reach and maintain a healthy body weight. A healthy snack will also help your family stay energized during the day. To ensure your teen gets plenty of fruits and veggies, keep pre-washed produce always available to simply grab and eat.

    Schedule Your Free Class Today

    At Kalina’s Fitness, our mission is to give teens (ages 8-18) the tools they need to transform their lives and build healthy habits that will last a lifetime. By combining nutritional counseling, group support, and exercise classes, our Lean Teen Program empowers kids and teens to achieve their fitness goals. We are driven by a strong belief that every child deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential.

    It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation to better understand your child’s eating habits. Your health coach will prepare a nutrition plan that gives your family the flexibility needed to make permanent lifestyle changes. Register today for a Free Day Pass so we can help your child to build healthy habits and get fit. We look forward to serving you with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  4. Fitness Program for Kids and Teens

    It is very difficult to be fit and healthy in our country. Today over 68 percent of adults are overweight and 39.8 percent are considered obese. According to a recent study, if current trends continue about 50 percent of adults will be obese by 2030. Obesity has been linked to many serious medical health conditions including heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain cancers.

    The fact is that obesity is currently the number ONE cause of death in the US as more adults develop heart disease early in life. The GOOD NEWS is that this is preventable! My wife and I truly believe that adolescence is the most important time in a person’s life to start developing healthy habits. However, training kids and teens to build healthy eating and exercise habits is not always easy and takes time.

    Identify and Replace Bad Habits

    There are millions of teens who are at a healthy weight but are also at risk of being obese as adults due to their poor health habits. Technology, busy schedules, fast food, and lack of exercise are all factors contributing to obesity and teens today are learning many bad habits that are very difficult to change.

    Too Much Technology – These days, kids learn to use technology at such a young age that they spend their whole lives texting, playing video games, and staring at screens. The problem is that their bodies were created for movement and not this kind of sedentary activity which can lead to obesity.

    A Busy Lifestyle – Even though it is better for teens to be busy than lazy, packing their schedule with too many activities leaves little time left for play and relaxation. It is important for kids to have fun and do their own exercise through play while still having enough time for relaxation to avoid burnout.

    Fast Foods – According to the CDC, fast-food consumption has increased fivefold among children since 1970. The fact is a diet containing high levels of fat or sugar and few nutrients can cause teens to gain weight quickly. And poor health stemming from childhood obesity can continue into adulthood.

    A Sedentary Lifestyle – The CDC recommends that children get at least one hour of exercise daily to remain healthy. Unfortunately, most teens today are sedentary and the more inactive a child is, the greater the risk of many major health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

    Help your teen identify bad habits that they need to overcome. Include in the list ways to remove as many triggers as possible from your home. Example: If your child spends too much time watching TV then set limits to screen time. Make it easy for your teen to break bad habits and create healthy ones.

    Nutrition is 80% of Weight Loss

    When it comes to losing weight nutrition is 80% of the work and exercise is 20%. The reason nutrition is more effective to lose weight than exercise is because it takes a ton of activity to burn 700 calories. Since 3,500 calories equals 1 pound, you will need to run 7 to 10 miles a day to lose 1 pound a week. The average person can’t keep that up for a month especially without increasing their caloric intake.

    Instead it is much easier to create a 700 calorie deficit through nutrition than it is to burn 700 calories through exercise. Teens don’t need to hit an exact 80/20 ratio to lose weight but they should focus primarily on nutrition if they want to shed pounds. It also should be done in a safe and healthy way! Teens are growing and they need essential nutrients so it is important that they say NO to Fad Diets.

    To build healthy eating habits, we recommend that all kids and teens learn how to use MyPlate. MyPlate is an easy to follow food guide that was created by the USDA to help parents feed their kids nutritious meals. With its new icon, it will teach your whole family how to eat better and help control portions. What your child eats daily now will have an impact on their health for many years to come.

    Schedule Your Free Class Today

    Habits are actions and behaviors that we perform subconsciously and they are very difficult to break. Studies show that the habits that we develop early and are formed in childhood related to eating and exercise carry over into adulthood. And once poor health habits emerge they tend to be long lasting.

    For example, research has indicated that 97% of people who lose weight regain it again within 5 years. Yes, our health habits are really that hard to change! That is why if you want to help your child develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start at a very early age.

    At Kalina’s Fitness, we combine nutrition, group support, and exercise classes to empower kids with the tools they need to achieve their fitness goals. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

  5. Home of the Lean Teen Program®

    Welcome to Kalina’s Fitness! My name is Jorge and I am the President and Founder. My wife, Kalina, is the Program Director and she has over 20 years of experience working with kids and teens. The name “Kalina” is not only my wife’s name but it is also an aboriginal name that means “to love” and in Greek it means “beautiful.” It is the perfect name for us because we love our kids and families and we are all beautifully created by God in his own image. We started our first teen weight loss center in 2003 because we saw a great need to help kids develop healthy habits and improve their quality of life.

    Our journey is a story filled with challenges, perseverance, hope, and lots of faith. It all began back in 2002 as we ventured into entrepreneurship to follow our passion and start a fitness and weight loss center for women that we named Ladies Inshape. As our business grew, we realized that that while there were many fitness centers for adults there were no programs out there to help teens lose weight and develop healthy habits. To fill this need we developed the Lean Teen Program as a complete solution to weight loss that included nutritional counseling, group support, and exercise classes.

    Our mission was to give kids and teens (ages 8-18) all the tools they needed to transform their lives and get fit. From the beginning, our Lean Teen Program became popular among teens and was even featured in the Miami Herald Newspaper and on the Channel 7 Prime Time News with Marilyn Mitzel.

    Our kids were finally getting help losing weight and gaining the strength, confidence, and self-esteem they needed to realize their full potential. As the Lean Teen Program became a big part of our life, my wife and I also faced our own personal struggles. We had a strong desire to have children of our own but we couldn’t have any. After lots of prayer for guidance, we decided that our best option to have children was to move to Charlotte. We sold our business in 2005 to take on the challenge of infertility.

    It was a difficult struggle and after 8 years of trying to have children we realized that God had different plans for us. God wants us to have lots of children! Our Lean Teens will be our children and it is our calling to share our love of nutrition and exercise with them. At the same time we realized that no one was going to rebuild our teen program but us. So in 2014, we used our experience to perfect our program and open our second teen weight loss center. Since then we have helped hundreds of kids and teens build healthy habits and achieve their goals (watch this news video of our Lean Teens).

    However, we still have a big problem. You see childhood obesity has become the #1 health concern for parents today. And even though 1 out of 3 kids and teens in our country is considered overweight or obese there are still no fitness centers out there for them to build healthy habits and lose weight.

    That is why we are on a mission to build the first teen fitness and weight loss brand – Kalina’s Fitness. By partnering with parents, teens, doctors, and our community, we are transforming lives and training kids how to build healthy habits that last a lifetime. Together we will get America back into shape!

    Teach Your Kids Healthy Habits Early

    Habits are actions and behaviors that we perform subconsciously and they are very difficult to break. Studies show that the habits that we develop early and are formed in childhood related to eating and exercise carry over into adulthood. And once poor health habits emerge they tend to be long lasting.

    For example, research has indicated that 97% of people who lose weight regain it again within 5 years. Yes, our health habits are really that hard to change! That is why if you want to help your child develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start at a very early age.

    At Kalina’s Fitness, we combine nutrition, group support, and exercise classes to empower kids with the tools they need to achieve their fitness goals. Our program is the only year-round, affordable fitness and weight loss program designed especially for kids and teens between the ages of 8 to 18.

    We are driven by a strong belief that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their full potential. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!

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