Currently there are over 37,000 fitness and weight loss centers for adults in the US. And thanks to the boutique fitness boom, every year more gyms are being built to help adults lose weight and get fit. All the while our obesity epidemic has reached a record 40 percent, up 13 percent from just 20 years ago.

It is estimated that by 2030 nearly half of all US residents will be obese. This is a staggering number considering the number of gyms and diets that are out there. If a person wants to be fit all they need to do is workout a few times per week and stick to a balanced diet that includes plenty of vegetables.

If it was that easy we would all be fit and healthy. However, our obesity epidemic will only get worse since our teens are exchanging an active lifestyle for a sedentary one of screen time and video games. Also, there are a lot of kids today that refuse to eat vegetables or simply are not getting enough.

The amount of food children eat is also one of the most important parts of building a fit lifestyle and maintaining a healthy weight. What kids and teens eat daily now will impact their health including risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. It will also affect their quality of life for many years to come.

Teach Kids Healthy Habits Early

Habits are actions and behaviors that we perform subconsciously and they are very difficult to break. Studies show that the habits that we develop early and are formed in childhood related to eating and exercise carry over into adulthood. And once poor health habits emerge they tend to be long lasting.

For example, research has indicated that 97% of people who lose weight regain it again within 5 years. Yes, our health habits are really that hard to change! That is why if you want to help your child develop good habits that are associated with a longer and healthier life you have to start at a very early age.

Over the last 6 years we have helped hundreds of kids and teens build healthy eating and exercise habits. Katherine (pictured below) was one of our first kids to join our program back in 2015 when she was only 11 years old. Recently, she came to visit us to thank us. Today she is a strong and healthy teen.

At Kalina’s Fitness, we are a lot more than just a fitness center. Our mission is to give kids and teens (ages 8-18) the tools to transform their lives and build healthy habits that last a lifetime. And while most programs only focus on exercise classes, nutritional counseling, or group support, our program includes all three. We give kids all the tools they need to achieve their fitness and weight loss goals!

1. Personalized Nutrition Plan

It all starts with a one-on-one nutritional consultation to better understand your child’s eating habits. Your health coach will prepare a nutrition plan that gives your family the flexibility needed to make permanent lifestyle changes. MyPlate is an effective way for your child to learn how to control their portions with an easy to understand illustration that will teach them how to build a healthy plate.

2. Complete Group Support

All our group support classes are designed to help kids stay motivated and get the encouragement they need. With the assistance of an expert counselor, our group support classes discuss positive thinking, body image, self-esteem, anti-bullying strategies, dealing with stress, goal setting, problem solving, nutrition, and much more. It is all about empowering our kids with the tools to be successful.

3. Unlimited Exercise Classes

Our exercise classes are designed to help kids get in shape no matter what their current level of activity is. By combining short bursts of cardio with recovery periods, your child will burn more calories than exercising at the same pace in just half the time. All our classes include 30 minutes of exercise as well as 30 minutes of group support to help our kids stay physically and mentally in shape.

Schedule Your Free Class Today

We are driven by a strong belief that every child deserves the opportunity to realize their full potential. It is all about learning balance and consistency and having the right guidance and support to succeed. Let us help your child become an amazing version of themselves and schedule your free class today. We look forward to serving you and your family with excellence. Thank you for visiting us!